Inorganic Chemistry I

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Mon, 01/15/2018 - 11:32

Introduces the theories of atomic structure and bonding in main-group and solid-state compounds. Common techniques for characterizing inorganic compounds such as NMR, IR, and mass spectrometry are discussed. Descriptive chemistry of main group elements is examined. Conductivity, magnetism, superconductivity, and an introduction to bioinorganic chemistry are additional topics in the course. In lieu of the laboratory, students have a project on a topic of their choice. Serves as an advanced chemistry elective for biochemistry majors.

Inclusive Pedagogy: A Misidentified Molecule and Paper Retraction

Submitted by Sibrina Collins / Lawrence Technological University on Sun, 09/10/2017 - 19:20

This learning object focuses on teaching students how to read and use Chemical and Engineering News for class discussions and critically evaluate the scientific literature. Recently, Chemical and Engineering News published an article about the retraction of a 15-year old paper, which had misidentified a multidentate ligand, which is central to the paper (Ritter, S.K. “Chemist Retract 15-year old paper and publish a revised version.” Chem. Eng. News, 2017, 95, (36), p6).

In-class peer review

Submitted by Chantal Stieber / Cal Poly Pomona on Fri, 03/03/2017 - 17:15

This activity includes questions for students to answer to help guide them through the process of peer review. It was designed to assist students in writing peer reviews for research reports written by their classmates, but could be applied to literature articles as well.

Strategies for Effective Science Writing

Submitted by Anne LaPointe / Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University on Tue, 01/03/2017 - 18:25

This presentation is designed for senior undergraduates or beginning graduate students who need to write a research report or paper.  It was originally developed for the summer undergraduate students in the NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers.

Developing a rubric for a learning object

Submitted by Joanne Stewart / Hope College on Fri, 07/08/2016 - 15:46

A rubric articulates the expectations for an assignment and enables faculty to assess student work in a rapid and consistent manner.

This Five-Slides About was developed for the TUES 2016 workshop Organometallica at University of Michigan. It was presented in conjunction with Chip Nataro's modeling of the development of a literature discussion learning object (Ligand effects in titration calorimetry from the Angelici lab).

Szymczak Learning Objects from TUES workshop

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Fri, 07/01/2016 - 06:46

The memebers of the Szymczak group created a collection of their learning objects from the TUES workshop at the University of Michigan in Summer 2016 to make them all easier to find.

"Flipped Laboratory": A Discussion-based Electrochemistry Experiment for General Chemistry

Submitted by Samuel Esarey / University of Michigan on Mon, 06/27/2016 - 16:43

This learning object is aimed at getting students to think critically about the data they collect in lab as they collect the data similar to how chemists typically conduct research.  They will be given a pre-lab video and a procedure prior to lab, conduct the experiment, and then upload their data to an Excel spreadsheet.  Students will then stay in their group to discuss the questions given to them on the worksheet in class with the instructor, and are allowed to continue working on them as a group up until the due date.

Making Connections between Inorganic Course Content and the Primary Literature

Submitted by Santiago Toledo / St. Edward's University on Mon, 06/27/2016 - 16:43

This assignment is intended to help students develop basic literature reading comprehension skills as well as connect the course content to relevant primary literature. Additionally the activity is coupled to short presentations that develop communication skills.

Student Oral Presentations of a Communication from the Primary Literature

Submitted by Carmen Works / Sonoma State University on Mon, 06/27/2016 - 16:43

In the humanities it is common practice to read a piece of literature and discuss it.  This is also practiced in science and is the purpose of this exercise.  Each student is assigned a communication from the current  literature (inorganic, JACS, organometallics, J. Phys.