RAMPing Up Lab Safety

Submitted by Amanda Reig / Ursinus College on Thu, 08/12/2021 - 10:53

Inspired by several of the great lab safety activities on VIPEr, I modified Karen McFarland's activity (linked below) to specifically adapt to the ACS RAMP (Recognize hazards, Assess risks, Minimize risks, Prepare for emergencies) approach. 

The assignment asks each student to identify three potential hazards from the first experiment they will be performing in inorganic lab: one chemical, one equipment, and one procedural hazard. For each hazard, they then complete a RAMP risk assessment. 

Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Dani Arias-Rotondo / Kalamazoo College on Thu, 08/05/2021 - 10:17

An editable Review Jeopardy game via a Macro Powerpoint

Submitted by Paul Smith / Valparaiso University on Wed, 08/04/2021 - 23:17

In searching for a way to review topics before exams, I was informed about this powerpoint template which is macro'd to be operated as a realistic Jeopardy game. The site for the original author of the macro is:


(Jeopardy for PowerPoint by Kevin R. Dufendach is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.)

Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Abdul K. Mohammed / North Carolina Central University on Wed, 08/04/2021 - 12:36

A systematic study of both the fundamental principles and the descriptive chemistry needed to understand the properties of the main group elements and their compounds. (Three lecture, one recitation, and three laboratory hours per week) Prerequisites: CHEM 1200.

SLiThEr #20: African American Chemists: Academia, Industry, and Social Entrepreneurship

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Tue, 06/15/2021 - 07:33

Sibrina Collins (Lawrence Tech) presented a SLiThEr on April 10, 2021. The topic was her recently releases ACS Symposium Series book entitled "African American Chemists: Academia, Industry, and Social Entrepreneurship". Sibrina presented on stories, both hearing them and telling them. She recounted how she used the VIPEr model of learning objects to make the stories in the book accessible for use in the classroom. 

Photochemical Reactions of Copper (II) Carboxylate Artist Pigments

Submitted by Hilary Eppley / DePauw University on Thu, 05/20/2021 - 09:57

This literature discussion shows how serious inorganic chemistry topics can related to cultural heritage problems.  The paper is pretty dense in EPR and UV/Vis spectroscopy, but the questions don't go in super great depth on those topics instead focusing on the problem, the main findings, structures and the experiment design, with some additional questions about the spectroscopy.