Reaction Mechanisms: Energy Profiles and Catalysts

Submitted by Wes Farrell / United States Naval Academy on Thu, 01/02/2020 - 13:44

This in class activity consists of two demonstrations to be performed by the instructor, followed by a worksheet that students may work on independently or in groups.  The demonstrations allow the students to determine when a reaction has occured, when it has not occured, and generate qualitative reaction energy profiles to match these observations.  This activity is designed to take place during a description of kinetics in general chemistry. Detailed descriptions of the procedure and activity may be found in the "Overview for Instructor."

Thinking about Electron Configurations and Magnetism

Submitted by Jack Eichler / University of California, Riverside on Fri, 12/13/2019 - 15:30

This activity is designed to be done in the middle of the typical first quarter/first semester general chemistry electronic structure unit. Students will be expected to have learned the following concepts prior to completing this activity:

a) how the four quantum numbers are determined (principal quantum number, angular momentum quantum number, magnetic quantum number, and electron spin quantum number);

b) the basic concept of electron spin, and how atomic orbitals that possess two electrons will result in the spin-paring of electrons;

Science Information Literacy Badge--Reading the Literature

Submitted by Michelle Personick / Wesleyan University on Thu, 07/18/2019 - 12:07

This is an activity designed to introduce general chemistry students to reading the chemistry literature by familiarizing them with the structure of a published article. The activity first presents an article from the Whitesides group at Harvard about writing a scientific manuscript, along with a video about the peer-review process. There are two parts to the questions in the activity, which are based on a specific article from Nature Communications (

Constructing a Class Acid-Base Titration Curve

Submitted by Nicole Crowder / University of Mary Washington on Tue, 07/09/2019 - 17:15

In this in-class activity, each student calculates the inital pH, equivalence volume, and pH at the equivalence point for both a strong acid-strong base and a weak acid-strong base titration.

In addition, each student is assigned a unique volume before the equivalence point and a unique volume after the equivalence point for each titration curve.

The data from the class is then assembled in Excel to construct the two titration curves.

VIPEr Fellows 2019 Workshop Favorites

Submitted by Barbara Reisner / James Madison University on Sat, 06/08/2019 - 16:41

During our first fellows workshop, the first cohort of VIPEr fellows pulled together learning objects that they've used and liked or want to try the next time they teach their inorganic courses.

VSEPR: Flash Review

Submitted by Chris Durr / Amherst College on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 16:36

This presentation is meant to be a review of applying VSEPRup to steric number 6. It's designed to be viewed as a powerpoint and printed out to keep for the student's notebook.

It can be used at multiple levels: as a review immediately after learning VSEPR in general chemistry, or as a refresher before starting upper level inorganic chemistry. The instructor could add text or voice over the slides to add more detail or leave the presentation as is for students.

Molecular Orbital Theory: Flash Review

Submitted by Chris Durr / Amherst College on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 16:28

This presentation is meant to be a review of constructing and utilizing an MO diagram, in this case O2. It's designed to be viewed as a powerpoint and printed out to keep for the student's notebook.

It can be used at multiple levels: as a review immediately after learning MO theory in general chemistry, or as a refresher before starting upper level inorganic chemistry. The instructure could add text or voice over the slides to add more detail or leave the presentation as is for students.

Helping Students with Visual Impairments See Colors

Submitted by Doug Balmer / Warwick High School on Fri, 05/31/2019 - 12:05

I have had some students in class have a hard time identifying colors (flame tests, solution color, acid-base indicators, etc.) because of a visual impairment. There are many cell-phone apps that are helpful in aiding these students. "Pixel Picker" allows the students to load a picture from a device (cell phone, ipad). This is helpful because students are now dealing with a "frozen" image. Moving the cross-hair to different parts of the picture changes the R-G-B values. The "Color Blind Pal" app uses a more qualitative approach.