New Members of the Class of [Fe(CN)x(CO)y] Compounds (Koch)

Submitted by Barbara Reisner / James Madison University on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 17:23

This LO was written by the IONiC Leadership Council to celebrate Steve Koch as the recipient of the 2024 ACS Award for Distinguished Service in Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry. Steve has been a major supporter of the IONiC community since its inception. This LO is based on the article New Members of the Class of [Fe(CN)x(CO)y] Compounds. published in Inorganic Chemistry (DOI: 10.1021/ic015604y).

Synthesis of Ti complexes supported by an ortho-terphenoxide

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Thu, 01/04/2024 - 16:21

The Tonks group has helped to revitalize interest in early metal, especially titanium, organometallic chemistry in recent years. Often his group uses Ti complexes for multi-component coupling, increasingly with masked low-valent Ti(II) as an important intermediate. This paper is more fundamental, exploring a ligand based on ortho-terphenoxide since the meta- and para- derivatives were already known. Along the way, they report some interesting NMR and structural information, and finish with some hydroamination catalysis. 

An Exploration of Molecular Dihydrogen Complexes

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Mon, 11/27/2023 - 14:41

I wanted my organometallic class to explore the bonding and spectroscopy of the Kubas dihydrogen complex without having to spend the time doing the entire literature discussion (which is really great and I have done it many times in the past) because I wanted to do it in only about 20-30 minutes in a 75 minute class period. Most of the questions come from the Kubas literature discussion, which I shortened. The IR and reduced mass calculations come from an LO I wrote about arene activation by Jones and Feher.

Electron Transfer through a Photosynthetic Reaction Center

Submitted by Levi Ekanger / The College of New Jersey on Thu, 09/07/2023 - 16:23

This is a computer-based activity intended for a bioinorganic chemistry course composed of upper-level undergraduate students. It is helpful for students to be familiar with concepts of electron transfer, including a surface-level introduction to Marcus theory and the inverted region, and photosynthetic charge separation before beginning this activity. However, this activity can easily be adapted to students with other levels of preparation in a bioinorganic course.

Collaborative Point Group "Escape Room" Competition

Submitted by Joya Cooley / California State University, Fullerton on Tue, 08/08/2023 - 19:29

This is a digital "escape room" where students determine point groups of molecules and answer follow-up questions to determine four digits. The four digits can be used to unlock a physical lockbox which is brought to class with small prizes inside.

Stable Borepinium and Borafluorenium Heterocycles: A Reversible Thermochromic “Switch” Based on Boron–Oxygen Interactions by Robert J. Gilliard Jr.

Submitted by Niharika K Botcha / Carnegie Mellon University on Fri, 06/30/2023 - 10:27

This literature discussion on the Hot Paper communication in Chemistry, A European Journal; highlights the first examples of borepinium and borfluorenium cations whose optical properties can be tuned and also the very first reported example of thermochromism in these cationic species. R. J. Gilliard, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 12512.

2023 Content Building Workshop - Morgan State University

This is a list of all of the learning objects developed in association with the 2023 content building workshop. Prof. Robert Gilliard was the featured speaker for this workshop, so most of the LOs will focus on his work.

Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Tue, 06/27/2023 - 10:56

Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Daniel Ashley / Spelman College on Thu, 06/22/2023 - 16:48

Rigorous treatment of the chemistry of inorganic compounds, including structure, properties, and reactions, and their interpretation in terms of quantum chemistry, and solid state chemistry; analysis with modern instrumentation.