Literature Introduction to Coordination Complexes

Submitted by Anne Bentley / Lewis & Clark College on Wed, 01/28/2015 - 16:21

Students are asked to find a coordination complex in the recent literature and analyze its structure. This homework or in-class activity is a great way for the instructor to crowd source the discovery of interesting new complexes to use as material in future exams.

Periodically Periodic

Submitted by Barbara Reisner / James Madison University on Sun, 01/25/2015 - 08:50

I like having students look at data and then explain data based on what they know about periodic trends. This activity uses the data we all use for radii and ionization energies and asks students to look just a little bit deeper. 

I have gone back and forth between using this as an in class activity (my current practice) and using some of these questions on exams. 

Introduction to Mercury

Submitted by Anthony L. Fernandez / Merrimack College on Thu, 01/22/2015 - 20:57

In this exercise, students are introduced to Mercury, a program for visualizing and analyzing crystal structure data.  Students are guided through opening the program for the first time and viewing a structure from the Teaching Subset, a selection of structures from the Cambridge Crystallographic Database (CSD). Activites include changing the representation of the complex, moving the structure around the window, accessing information about the structure, and measuring bond lengths and angles within the structure.

Cobalt-Ammine complexes and theories of bonding in metals

Submitted by EGunn / Simmons College on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 12:54

This is a two-week lab in which students synthesize and then characterize three Werner cobalt complexes using IR, UV/VIS and computer calculations using Spartan. Syntheses are based on procedures from:

Angelici, R. J. Synthesis and Technique in Inorganic Chemistry. University Science Books, 1996, pp 13-17.

Borer, L.L.; Erdman, H.W.; Norris, C.; Williams, J.; Worrell, J. Synthesis of trans-Tetraamminedichlorocobalt (III) chloride, Inorganic Syntheses, Vol 31, 1997, pp 270-271.

Zeolite Synthesis

Submitted by EGunn / Simmons College on Tue, 01/06/2015 - 16:39

This lab was part of the materials science portion of my second-year inorganic chemistry course. Students synthesize a zeolite structure and grow a chemical garden as examples of silicate chemistry.

Visualization of Zeolite Structure

Submitted by EGunn / Simmons College on Tue, 01/06/2015 - 15:56

Students use a Java-based website to explore the faujasite zeolite structure. The activity questions guide them through identifying different atomic positions within the structure, and orienting the zeolite pores and "cages" relative to the crystal axes. 

Preparation of a Ferrofluid

Submitted by EGunn / Simmons College on Tue, 01/06/2015 - 14:12

This lab handout and supplementary materials were developed based on a publication in the Journal of Chemical Education:

Berger, P.; Adelman, N.; Beckman, K.; Campbell, D.; Ellis, A.; Lisensky, G. Preparation and Properties of an Aqueous Ferrofluid. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76 (7), 943-48

The Color and Electronic Configurations of Prussian Blue

Submitted by EGunn / Simmons College on Mon, 01/05/2015 - 14:47

I used this paper to illustrate several course concepts related to materials structure (crystal lattice structure, coordination number, crystal field theory and orbital splitting, symmetry, electronic spectra, allowed and forbidden transitions). This activity was paired with a laboratory experiment (see related VIPEr objects) in which students synthesized Prussian Blue, and gave students a really in-depth look at what was going on when they mixed those solutions together.

d-Orbital Splitting Patterns in a Variety of Ligand Geometries

Submitted by Anthony L. Fernandez / Merrimack College on Mon, 12/29/2014 - 10:43

In this activity, the provided d orbital splitting patterns need to be matched with ligand geometries. Students are provided with the d orbital splitting diagrams for 6 ligand geometries (octahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, square pyramidal, tetrahedral, square planar, and linear). A web browser is used to view an animation (developed by Flick Coleman) which allows for the visualization of the relationship between the positions of the metal d orbitals and the ligands. Given this information, students should then be able to qualitatively rank the orbitals from highest to lowest energy.