Science Information Literacy Badge--Reading the Literature

Submitted by Michelle Personick / Wesleyan University on Thu, 07/18/2019 - 12:07

This is an activity designed to introduce general chemistry students to reading the chemistry literature by familiarizing them with the structure of a published article. The activity first presents an article from the Whitesides group at Harvard about writing a scientific manuscript, along with a video about the peer-review process. There are two parts to the questions in the activity, which are based on a specific article from Nature Communications (

Comprehensive literature reading assignment on platinum-based anticancer agents

Submitted by Todsapon T. / University of Evansville on Sun, 06/09/2019 - 16:40

Students read two review articles and one research article on platinum-based cancer therapeutic agents.  These articles compresentively discuss various aspects of these drug agents such as discovery, synthesis, mode of function.  Students read the articles and use the knowledge on coordination chemistry (structure, reactivity, bonding, etc.) to explain the information included in the articles. 



An improved method for drawing the bonding MO for dihydrogen

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Sun, 06/09/2019 - 14:42
Most of us have probably been there. Discussing homonuclear diatomic MO diagrams and on the first day you want to put up the sigma bonding molecular orbital for H2. If you teach it like me, you emphasize the LCAO-MO approach, so you draw a hydrogen atom with its 1s orbital interacting with a hydrogen atom with its 1s orbital...and then you notice giggling from the less mature audience members. My technique will help to prevent this from happening. The technique is in the "faculty only" files section.

Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry, Spring 2020

Submitted by Jason D'Acchioli / University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point on Sun, 06/09/2019 - 11:33

An introduction to the chemistry of inorganic compounds and materials. Descriptive chemistry of the elements. A survey of Crystal Field Theory, band theory, and various acid-base theories. Use of the chemical and scientific literature. Introduction to the seminar concept. 

Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry

Submitted by Carmen Gauthier / Florida Southern College on Sun, 06/09/2019 - 09:03

Fundamental topics in inorganic chemistry will be explored, among them: atomic theory and periodicity of the elements, bonding and properties of solid state materials, main group chemistry, structure and bonding of coordination compounds, and bio-inorganic systems. The laboratory component of the course will give students experience with a various laboratory techniques used in the synthesis and characterization of inorganic compounds.

Inorganic Chemistry I

Submitted by Todsapon T. / University of Evansville on Sun, 06/09/2019 - 08:54

Surveys classical and contemporary approaches to the study of coordination compounds, solid-state chemistry and the chemistry of elements based on groups in the periodic table.

Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry, Spring 2019

Submitted by Jason D'Acchioli / University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point on Sun, 06/09/2019 - 08:54

An introduction to the chemistry of inorganic compounds and materials. Descriptive chemistry of the elements. A survey of Crystal Field Theory, band theory, and various acid-base theories. Use of the chemical and scientific literature. Introduction to the seminar concept. 

Principles of Chemistry II

Submitted by Michelle Personick / Wesleyan University on Sun, 06/09/2019 - 08:54

This second semester general chemistry course is a continuation of the Principles of Chemistry sequence that is recommended for science students. The focus of the course is the fundamentals of structure and bonding, with an emphasis on predicting reactivity.