Zeolite Synthesis
This lab was part of the materials science portion of my second-year inorganic chemistry course. Students synthesize a zeolite structure and grow a chemical garden as examples of silicate chemistry.
Visualization of Zeolite Structure
Students use a Java-based website to explore the faujasite zeolite structure. The activity questions guide them through identifying different atomic positions within the structure, and orienting the zeolite pores and "cages" relative to the crystal axes.
Preparation of a Ferrofluid
This lab handout and supplementary materials were developed based on a publication in the Journal of Chemical Education:
Berger, P.; Adelman, N.; Beckman, K.; Campbell, D.; Ellis, A.; Lisensky, G. Preparation and Properties of an Aqueous Ferrofluid. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76 (7), 943-48
Ligand Lineup
This is a kinesthetic activity in which students must utilize knowledge of the σ-donating, π-donating and π-accepting ability of ligands in order to rank the ligands in the spectrochemical series. Students are each assigned a ligand on a card. Suggested ligands are I-, Br-, Cl-, F-, ONO-, NO2- OH-, H2O, pyridine, NH3, ethylenediamine, bipyridine, phenanthroline, PPh3, CN- and CO. Each student must evaluate the π-accepting, π-donating and σ-donating ability o
The Chemistry of Cooley's Anemia: A Case Study
In this case study, information is presented to students in the form of a dialog between a physician and two parents who have just learned that their child has thalassemia (Cooley’s Anemia). The treatment for this disorder requires a lifetime commitment to whole blood transfusion and chelation therapy (both administered on a daily to weekly basis); the biggest obstacle to long term survival is patient non-compliance.
Isn't It Ionic (with apologies to Alanis Morissette)
This spoof of the song "Isn't It Ironic" (by Alanis Morissette) summarizes the properties of ionic compounds in verse. Suitable for General Chemistry classes as well as Inorganic Chemistry, although a reference is made to the Born-Meyer equation.
An Accounting Ledger Method for Determining Lewis Dot Structures
Over several decades of teaching General Chemistry I have utilized various methods to get students to draw appropriate Lewis Dot Structures. About 10 years ago I learned about a process which I call the "Account Ledger Method". In this method all valence electrons are assumed to initially belong to the molecule (and placed in a ledger) and not to specific individual atoms. As the molecule is put together those electrons are distributed systematically and removed from the ledger.
The "Zinc Spark" - Zinc as a signaling chemical in life
This web resource is a TEDx talk about zinc and zinc's role in the early stages of the maturation of the egg. This would be a great introduction video for a gen chem, inorganic, or bioinorganic chemistry course. It introduces the idea that Zinc is stored in specific locations on the egg and then released all at the same time.
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