Chapter 9--Stanley Organometallics

Submitted by George Stanley / Louisiana State University on Mon, 08/14/2017 - 12:23

Chapter 9 from George Stanley's organometallics course, Cp


this chapter covers bonding and structure of metal pi-bonds, some descriptive chemistry and some historical context of sandwich compounds..

The powerpoint slides contain answers to some of the in-class exercises, so those are behind the "faculty only" wall. I share these with students after the class, but not before.

Everyone is more than welcome to edit the materials to suit their own uses, and I would appreciate being notified of any mistakes that are found.

Chapter 8--Stanley Organometallics

Submitted by George Stanley / Louisiana State University on Mon, 08/14/2017 - 12:15

Chapter 8 from George Stanley's organometallics course, Arenes


this chapter covers bonding and structure of metal pi-bonds and some descriptive chemistry.

The powerpoint slides contain answers to some of the in-class exercises, so those are behind the "faculty only" wall. I share these with students after the class, but not before.

Everyone is more than welcome to edit the materials to suit their own uses, and I would appreciate being notified of any mistakes that are found.

Catalysis: Iron-catalyzed Arylation of Alkyl Halides

Submitted by Brad Wile / Ohio Northern University on Fri, 06/09/2017 - 15:34

This LO describes a laboratory experiment in which students generate (in situ) an iron catalyst for the arylation of alkyl halides (Kumada coupling). Students pool data from the class to discern what features lead to successful catalyst systems. GC-MS or GC-FID may be used to quantify the catalytic performance of each system, and results may be expressed as % conversion, with TON/TOF values. Students gain experience proposing reasonable coordination complexes that may be formed from the catalyst precursors, and searching the literature/databases for related compounds/systems.

Introduction to Agostic Interactions

Submitted by Emma Downs / Fitchburg State University on Sat, 06/03/2017 - 11:59

A brief introduction to agostic interactions and their importance to common organometallic mechanisms such as beta-hydride elimination. Examples of compounds containing these interactions are discussed and compared to familiar molecules such as diborane. Ways to characterize these interactions are also introduced.

Slides are based on the PNAS review Agostic Interactions in Transition Metal Compounds 

Brookheart, Green, and Parkin Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. 2007104(7), 6908-6914

Literature Discussion of R3CH→ SiFR3 Agostic Interactions

Submitted by tgupta / South Dakota State University on Sat, 06/03/2017 - 11:53

The set of questions in this literature discussion activity is intended to engage students in reading and interpreting scientific literature and to develop a clear and coherent understanding of agostic interactions.

Fivefold Bonding in a Cr(I) Dimer Updated and Expanded

Submitted by T Brown / SUNY Oswego on Sat, 06/03/2017 - 10:46

This paper describes the synthesis and characterization of a Cr(I) dimer with a very short Cr-Cr distance. Computational studies support fivefold bonding between the chromium atoms. This paper could be used to introduce metal-metal multiple bonds and discuss the molecular orbital interactions of homonuclear diatomics including d-orbitals. More generally, it is a nice example to stimulate the discussion of what constitutes a bond and the various interpretations of bond order.

Ligand based reductive elimination from a thorium compound

Submitted by Chip Nataro / Lafayette College on Tue, 05/23/2017 - 16:52

This literature discussion is based on a paper describing the ligand-based reductive elimination of a diphosphine from a thorium compound (Organometallics2017, ASAP). The thorium compound contains two bidentate NHC ligands providing an opportunity to discuss the coordination of these ligands. The ligand-based reduction is very subtle and would be challenging for students to pick up without some guidance. The compound undergoing reductive elimination also presents an excellent introduction into magnetic nonequivalence and virtual coupling.

Johnson Matthey Catalytic Reaction Guide

Submitted by Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn on Tue, 04/11/2017 - 12:11

This guide, available in print, online and in an app, allows users to look up appropriate catalysts and conditions to accomplish a wide variety of reactions.


In-class peer review

Submitted by Chantal Stieber / Cal Poly Pomona on Fri, 03/03/2017 - 17:15

This activity includes questions for students to answer to help guide them through the process of peer review. It was designed to assist students in writing peer reviews for research reports written by their classmates, but could be applied to literature articles as well.

Reactivity and Bonding of Complexes with Metal-Metal Bonds

Submitted by Chantal Stieber / Cal Poly Pomona on Wed, 03/01/2017 - 19:04

This problem set was designed to be an in-class activity for students to practice applying their knowledge of metal-metal bonding (as discussed in the previous lecture) to recently published complexes in the literature. In this activity, complexes from four papers by Christine M. Thomas and coworkers are examined to give students practice in electron counting (CBC method), drawing molecular orbitals, and fundamental organometallic reactions.