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Title Author LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created Sort ascending
Organometallics and Named Reactions Laurel Goj Habgood / Rollins College In-Class Activity Organometallic Chemistry Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2010-07-11
Solids and Surfaces: A Chemist's View of Bonding in Extended Structures Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College Textbook Solid State and Materials Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2010-07-03
Molecular Origami: Precision Scale Models from Paper, by Robert M. Hanson Randall Hicks / Wheaton College Textbook Molecular Structure and Bonding First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2010-06-29
Powder Diffraction Crystallography Instructional Materials Barbara Reisner / James Madison University Web Resources and Apps Solid State and Materials Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2010-06-28
Descriptive Chemistry Wikipedia project Lori Watson / Earlham College In-Class Activity Introductory Chemistry Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2010-06-21
Google Docs for Summer Research Hilary Eppley / DePauw University Lab Experiment Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Upper Division/Graduate 2010-06-10
Battery in class activity Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn In-Class Activity Electrochemistry First year 2010-05-26
ACS Meeting Content- Slides and Audio Margaret Scheuermann / Western Washington University Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Upper Division/Graduate 2010-05-15
Introduction to the Synthesis and Properties of Nanoparticles Brian Johnson / St. John's University/College of St. Benedict Literature Discussion Nanochemistry, Solid State and Materials Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2010-04-30
The Chemmies: A Descriptive Chemistry Audio/Video Research Project Neal Yakelis / Pacific Lutheran University In-Class Activity Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year 2010-03-29
Viewing Molecular Orbital Calculations with GaussView: a Lab for First or Second Year Undergraduate Students. Deborah Sunderland / Washington and Jefferson College Lab Experiment Molecular Structure and Bonding First year, Second year 2010-03-20
The Berry Pseudorotation in PF5 Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College In-Class Activity Main Group Chemistry Second year 2010-03-20
Periodic Table of Haiku Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Web Resources and Apps Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Introductory Chemistry First year 2010-03-18
Video explanations and practice problems of basic chemistry and math topics Lori Watson / Earlham College Web Resources and Apps Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year 2010-02-24
Exploring Molecular Orbitals With Spartan Maggie Geselbracht / Reed College In-Class Activity Molecular Structure and Bonding Second year 2010-01-21
Interactive Lewis Structures Adam Bridgeman / The University of Sydney Web Resources and Apps Introductory Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding First year 2010-01-20
Metals in Biological Systems - Who? How? and Why? Betsy Jamieson / Smith College Five Slides About Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2010-01-20
Pyrophoric Liquid Safety Video Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Web Resources and Apps Coordination Chemistry, f-block Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources Upper Division/Graduate 2010-01-13
Student-Led Organometallics Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Literature Discussion Organometallic Chemistry Upper Division/Graduate 2010-01-11
Biological and medical examples in intro chem at MIT Joanne Stewart / Hope College Web Resources and Apps Bioinorganic Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry First year 2010-01-01