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Title Author Additional Authors LO Type Subdiscipline Level Created
Assistant Professor position at Duquesne University Emily Sylvester / Duquesne University Forum topic 2019-08-28
A Reflection on VIPEr-izing a Class John Lee / University of Tennessee Chattanooga Fellows Reflections 2019-08-13
What do you teach about the f-block? Kari Young / Centre College Forum topic 2019-08-06
Foundational Inorganic Chemistry for First Years Michelle Personick / Wesleyan University Fellows Reflections 2019-08-06
Seven simple rules to start your semester Chip Nataro / Lafayette College VIPEr BITeS 2019-08-05
Service Animal in Lab Chris Hamaker / Illinois State University Forum topic 2019-07-30
Introduction to Drago's ECW Acid-Base Model Colleen Partigianoni / Ferris State University Five Slides About Main Group Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-07-29
Hemoglobin, sweat, and sodium chloride Gary Guillet / Furman University Fellows Reflections 2019-07-29
1FLO: One Figure Learning Objects Chip Nataro / Lafayette College Collection Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, f-block Chemistry, Molecular Structure and Bonding, Organometallic Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Structural Methods First year, Second year, Upper Division/Graduate 2019-07-25
What to do when you're waiting for your professor - lessons from the bulletin board Barbara Reisner / James Madison University VIPEr BITeS 2019-07-25
2021 Workshop Participants Matthew O'Malley / VIPEr Page 2019-07-24
2021 Workshop Presenters Matthew O'Malley / VIPEr Page 2019-07-24
2021 Workshop Schedule Matthew O'Malley / VIPEr Page 2019-07-24
2021 VIPEr Summer Workshop Matthew O'Malley / VIPEr Page 2019-07-24
Science Information Literacy Badge--Reading the Literature Michelle Personick / Wesleyan University Literature Discussion Introductory Chemistry, Professional Practices, Skills, and Resources First year, Second year 2019-07-18
Symmetry planes in C4v molecules Dean Johnston / Otterbein University Forum topic 2019-07-17
What have I learned and where am I going from here? Catherine McCusker / East Tennessee State University Fellows Reflections 2019-07-15
Constructing a Class Acid-Base Titration Curve Nicole Crowder / University of Mary Washington In-Class Activity Introductory Chemistry First year 2019-07-09
Reflection on teaching after my 20th year Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College Fellows Reflections 2019-07-08
“You have permission!” – Thoughts on the upcoming academic term… Jeff Raker / University of South Florida VIPEr BITeS 2019-07-02