Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 19:10

We are in the process of rolling out some new features on VIPEr, and I would like to announce them here.

First: it is now possible for users with faculty status to post file attachments to comments in forum threads (stand alone forums, or the forum attached to an LO).  This is an easy way to show a minor update to a LO without creating an entirely new LO.  If you want to create a more substantial derivative LO, and have it link forwards and backwards to the original, feel free to contact a member of the LC for assistance.

Second: Very soon it will be possible to create LOs with multiple faculty authors. I know that there are several jointly prepared LOs already on the site. We are currently testing this functionality and will push it live soon.

Please try out our new features, send us bug reports, and feel free to suggest new features you'd like to see on the site!


on behalf of the pit-vipers