Submitted by Matt Cranswick / Oregon State University on Fri, 08/06/2021 - 10:39
My Notes

I know it's not really a lab experiment, but we don't seem to have a "resource" option for submitting content.  I quickly put this together based on what my students had done this summer, as a quick way for them to keep me up-to-date on their weekly, monthly, or semester progress. (Of course, I was hovering over them the entire time and know what they did, but this seemed like a good way for them to communicate their progress.)

I think it would work equally as well in a Google Doc, so multiple students on the same project can see what has been done by their peers.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions/comments.

Attachment Size
02_Research_Report_Template.docx 17.28 KB
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