Letters of recommendation

Submitted by Lee Park / Williams College on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 13:55

This is a document that I hand out to every student I have, outlining what I

Macroscopic, particle and symbolic representations of aqueous reactions

Submitted by Kristen Murphy / University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 13:32

Students in the courses I teach (primarily general chemistry) have struggled with understanding the three representations of matter: macroscopic, particle, and symbolic. This is particularly evident when these representations extend into reactions. Additionally, students struggle with understanding basic concepts of aqueous solutions and, by extension, reactions in aqueous solution. This activity is designed to help the students recognize different types of representations and then generate these for simple systems.

Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Characterization by Powder X-ray Diffraction

Submitted by Catherine Oertel / Oberlin College on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 13:16

I designed this lab experiment to introduce students to the uses of powder X-ray diffraction in the context of the synthesis of a technologically relevant material. Zinc oxide nanoparticles can be synthesized readily with reagents that are inexpensive and relatively benign with regard to student use and waste disposal. Two experiments described in J. Chem.

Geochronology: radiocarbon dating

Submitted by mike knapp / UMASS on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 10:59

This is written for a freshman seminar course, "Nuclear Chemistry and Medicine," open to all majors.  It meets once per week for one hour, and is meant to facilitate the transition into college for first-year students by providing an informal educational experience. It should be adaptable to a lecture-format course, and I will try to do this for my Junior-year Inorganic Chemistry. 

Geometry and Magnetism Worksheet_ Bioinorganic

Submitted by Sheila Smith / University of Michigan- Dearborn on Thu, 06/23/2011 - 14:55

This is an in class exercise that I use to introduce structure and magnetism to a junior/senior level course on bioinorganic chemistry. The class is cross-listed between Chemistry and Biochemistry. All of the students have had general chemistry and organic (with some exposure to MO Theory). Many of the students have also had the sophomore-level inorganic course, which delves extensively into MO theory, and some of the the students have also had the senior-level course on transition metal chemistry which looks deeply at d-orbital splitting.

Generating LGOs and constructing MO diagrams - pencast

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 14:26

My technique for constructing MO diagrams is based on (and significantly simplified from) that of Verkade.  While I find it works well in my classroom for my students, they benefit from careful step-by-step instruction of the method through several weeks of in-class exercises.  This LO has links to pencasts where I go through three easy examples that demonstrate the technique, as well has how I handle lone pairs by this method.  As transition metal complexes don’t have stereochemically active lone pairs, they are often easier to deal with than even something seemingly as simple as water!

Constructing MO diagrams

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 14:11

I use this in-class exercise after I have taught the students how to construct LGOs using the generator orbital technique.  The previous week, they do an in-class exercise on that topic, and this week, they use the LGOs from the previous week to construct MO diagrams.

Communication-style lab reports

Submitted by Rebecca M. Jones / George Mason University on Mon, 03/14/2011 - 15:52

For the past four years, I have required my inorganic students to write short 3-page formal lab reports in the form of communication to the Journal of the American Chemical Society.  This exercise has relieved some of the stress on my students who are writing reports of other science classes and simplified my grading.  Using Jeffrey Kovac's Writing Across the Chemistry Curriculum: An Instructor's Handbook as a starting point, I have developed a rubric to provide qualitative feedback to the stu

news article on lanthanide magnets

Submitted by Adam Johnson / Harvey Mudd College on Fri, 03/11/2011 - 11:40
I found this interesting article on the many uses of lanthanide magnets.  Thought I'd share!

Computational Inorganic Chemistry: An Introduction

Submitted by Rebecca M. Jones / George Mason University on Wed, 03/09/2011 - 16:00

The attached lecture provides a brief overview to computational methods and introduces their application to inorganic systems.  Two specific literature examples are included.  I have given this lecture in a senior level advanced inorganic chemistry class for the past 3 years.