Submitted by Vanessa / Albion College on Tue, 03/04/2014 - 22:43
My Notes

This exercise was developed to help students predict bonding between s,p and d atomic orbitals.

Attachment Size
OrbitalOverlapWorksheet.docx 90.04 KB
Learning Goals

A student should be able to:

  • draw the s, p and d atomic orbitals correctly, including the orientation within the canonical axes
  • Predict bonding between different types of atomic orbitals
  • Classify a bond as either sigma, pi or delta
Equipment needs

None needed.

A model kit or access to models of the orbitals might be helpful to some students.

Related activities
Implementation Notes

I handed this out as a HW assigment after completing the homo-orbital overlap (s-s, px-px, dz2-dz2, etc.) and defining the types of bonds. We also went over s-px, s-py and s-pz. Students had five days to complete the assignment outside of class.

Time Required
30 minutes


Evaluation Methods

I graded students on the completed worksheet.

Out of the 81 different boxes, there are only 19 bonding interactions possible. 


I assigned three different scores to each student:

x/19 for recognizing that there was a net bonding interaction (several are duplicates)

y/19 for assigning the correct bonding type to the  (sigma, pi or delta)

z for the number times that a bonding interaction was predicted, but was not present.

Additional comments were given to the student regarding their drawing of the orbitals within the axes.

Evaluation Results

I was very surprised at how hard the students found this exercise. Their orbital drawing skills were not very good at all. One of the biggest problems was that they didn't know the shapes and orientations of the d orbitals within the canonical axes (5 of the 9 students had this problem!).

Out of 11 students in the class, 9 turned it in on time. Out of the 11, one came to the office and used the orbital models.

Predicted correct bonding:

6/9 student predicted all 19 bonding interactions
Other scores were 13/19, 15/19 and 17/19

Assigned correct bonding type:

6/9 students assigned the correct bonding type

Bonding where it doesn't exist:

3/9 students had no incorrect answers
3/9 students tried to label everything as a bond, even if there was no bonding present

Overall, this was an eye opening exercise for me. For the most part, a significant portion of the students didn't have a firm understanding of the 3D orientations of the orbitals. I revised the directions on the worksheet and have posted the revised worksheet here. I will definitely use this again, but earlier in the semester (I used it about 1/2 way through) and emphasize the importance of learning the d-orbitals!

Creative Commons License
Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA
Joanne Stewart / Hope College

I'm working my way through VIPEr looking for LOs related to atomic orbital visualization and molecular orbital theory. I love this. I'm not surprised students struggled with orientations. We never really pause to make that explicit when we're teaching, and until they actually do it themselves, they're not going to understand what dxz versus dyz is. The answer key with photos of every interaction is amazing.

Sun, 11/13/2022 - 23:27 Permalink
Myron Jones / Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

I found this activity to be very useful.  I have the students do it during class after a brief discussion about how orbitals overlap.  Some students have difficulty visualizing in 3D, so having models in the room helps to illustrate possible interactions.  Great activity.

Thu, 06/22/2023 - 10:29 Permalink