Greetings everyone. As promised, I am giving you an update on the project meeting. So far our plan for going to Tampa to be warm has been an abject failure. Although I must admit, it is warmer than where I was staying in Pennsylvania. But the chilly weather has kept the LC focused on getting lots of work done. One thing they have managed to do is create a new type of Learning Object, the Syllabus LO ( And this should be just in time for your spring class! This is an opportunity to share your syllabi from your inorganic courses with the rest of the community. This will be a great resource for everyone, but should be especially useful for people teaching courses for the first time. Right now the syllabus LO does not appear under the content menu, but it will in the near future. In addition to being a great resource for the community, these syllabi are going to be integral to "The Grand Experiment" which you'll be reading about more in the near future.