Submitted by Jorge Torres King / Miami University on Wed, 05/06/2015 - 20:14

My name is Jorge Torres and I am a graduate student at Miami University working with Dr. Ellen Yezierski in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. I am pursuing a Ph.D. in chemistry focusing on chemistry education research (CER) in Inorganic Chemistry. As part of my dissertation research, I am conducting a study on the inorganic chemistry curriculum to identify both the stated and the enacted teaching and learning goals. In order to carry out this study, I need volunteers to participate in one interview, which can be completed in person, by phone or through Skype, and provide several course documents (syllabi, homework assignments and assessments used).

Members of the VIPEr community have begun to address the gap in the literature on teaching and learning inorganic (Raker, J. R.; Reisner, B. A.; Smith, S. R.; Stewart, J. L.; Crane, J. L.; Pesterfield, L.; Sobel, S. B. J. Chem. Educ. DOI: 10.1021/ed500624t. 2015 and Raker, J. R.; Reisner, B. A.; Smith, S. R.; Stewart, J. L.; Crane, J. L.; Pesterfield, L.; Sobel, S. B. J. Chem. Educ. DOI: 10.1021/ed500625f. 2015), and we seek to build on this important work.  Hopefully, our study will identify faculty teaching and learning goals to improve our understanding of the current state of inorganic chemistry instruction. The results of this study could lead to useful curricular and instructional modifications that can improve student understanding of inorganic chemistry. Your help could aid in increasing student learning and appreciation of the field of inorganic chemistry.

If you are interested in participating or have further questions, please contact Jorge Torres at Thank you for your time and assistance!